By Vitalis

There’s no question, the South East Governors, are to be wholly blame for Nnamdi Kanu’s political travails, continued incarceration and detention, in the purview of travesty of justice by the Nigerian Government.

The compelling justice of Kanu’s case, is destined to tear Nigeria apart, if care is not taken.

Those corruptly benefiting from the case are doomed to political and violent destruction in the hands of God .

On the records , I had in my previous inspired perspectives , held the same strong view and undiluted conviction, blaming the South East Governors and Ohaneze , for lack of Igbo ethnic cohesion, responsible for Nnamdi Kanu’s continued incarceration and detention .

Politically, the South East Governors are solely to blame for Kanu’s political travails at the instance of the Federal Government .

They are wicked in failing to use the positions of their vantage offices , to press for Kanu’s unconditional release since the case is more of a political one than legal  .

They have never acted with one mind , voice , integrity and accord , in taking up the course of Kanu’s unfettered freedom, which has continued to embarrass the Nigerian Government till date in the manner it violated International Law and the Law of Nations , to abduct a British citizen unlawfully from another nation state , without due consideration and regard to the compliance of the pre-emptory norms and processes of International Law and Human Rights .

It’s a national shame and tragedy to our nation’s lawlessness and recklessness in the global community , which are brazenly done with impunity at the national and domestic levels .

The identities of those who plotted, executed and aided the fake Buhari’s Government’s abduction of Nnamdi Kanu, will ultimately be unveiled and known someday .

The South East Governors are a big disappointment to Ndigbo generally as Northern Fulani political puppets and keeping mum over Kanu’s unlawful arrest, abduction from Kenya to Nigeria , under Buhari’s Woeful Presidency, holds them in indictment, guilty of corruption and double standards , as history holds them solely responsible for the unwarranted incarceration and continued detention of their blood brother .

Even God will never forgive those South East Governors, who today , thought themselves to be Emperors and authoritarian Leviathans , who bastardized the politics of the South East Geopolitical Zone , with no credible forum , of discussing, brainstorming, addressing and handling issues of ethnic concerns of Ndigbo, which they have never shown any concern nor pertinent interest in resolving the non integration of the zone in the political mainstream of Nigeria and holding the Federal Government of  successive governments liable for the unjustified neglect of Igboland in the distribution of Federal Goodies and presence in Igboland .

What a bunch of shame and undemocratic representation of the people of our zone , which has become a direct ethnic affront on our determination to speak with one strong voice in the power distribution of Nigeria .

Now that Ohaneze has seen the true light , after I fired a salvo on Nnamdi Kanu , which prompted Ohaneze Leadership, to pay Nnamdi Kanu a visit in detention, under DSS custody, it behoves of the South East Governors, to speak out in their own defense to fiery , fearless and courageous indictment of Ohaneze , or keep their mouths shut forever, while waiting for the judgment of God and History, which would come sooner than anticipated .

They will pay a painful price, when the political chips are down .

Kanu cannot suffer in vain for their sake and the cause of the Biafran Democratic Freedom.

No way !

We await for the inevitable judgement of history , after Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and Biafra are unconditionally free from the Nigerian political bondage and enslavement .

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